In the APP of the NRW foundation means are shown from NRW, which were supported by the NRW Foundation. This also includes many smaller museums that are operated with a large volunteer work and are usually not as well known to the public.Includes about 350 natural and cultural projects of the NRW Foundation, which are particularly suitable as places to visit, always mobile there. The destinations are divided into eight regions and are easy to find with the app. In addition to a map overview for the selected region, the exact location is displayed to any destination, a route planner will navigate directly to the support project.Many practical information on some 350 selected targets are therefore quickly accessible. So the app shows for example, whether the individual project partnersspecial childrens tours are offered. For the members of the Association of NRW-Stiftung, the app particularly worthwhile as they will get to all destinations displayed free or reduced admission.